
Raindog raindog at
Tue Apr 8 23:29:24 BST 2008

My partner keeps getting the following error. He is able to update from 
the repo, and I am able to connect to the repo using both of my machines.

bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium 
edium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0x00CF78B0>' has reached its 
concurrent req
uest limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the 
currently open r
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 834, in run_bzr_catch_errors
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 790, in run_bzr
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 492, in run_argv_aliases
  File "bzrlib\builtins.pyc", line 2355, in run
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyc", line 165, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\workingtree_4.pyc", line 246, in commit
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyc", line 165, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\mutabletree.pyc", line 187, in commit
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyc", line 405, in commit
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyc", line 589, in _cleanup
TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium 
 object at 0x00CF78B0>' has reached its concurrent request limit. Be 
sure to fin
ish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request.

This is from his .bzr.log:

0.125  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp852'
0.125  bzr arguments: [u'commit', u'xxxxx', u'-m', u'..']
0.125  looking for plugins in C:/Documents and 
Settings/xxxxxxxxx/Application Data/bazaar/2.0/plugins
0.125  looking for plugins in C:/Progz/Bazaar/plugins
0.156  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp852'
0.250  opening working tree 'C:/!code/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
0.297  preparing to commit
1.906  falling back to default implementation
1.906  failed to load system host keys: [Errno 2] No such file or 
directory: 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\xxxxx/.ssh/known_hosts'
[ 2004] 2008-04-08 22:31:25.578 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client 
3.110  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp852'
[ 2004] 2008-04-08 22:31:29.578 INFO: Authentication (password) successful!
[ 2004] 2008-04-08 22:31:29.953 INFO: Secsh channel 1 opened.
[ 2004] 2008-04-08 22:31:44.687 INFO: Committing to: 
21.547  Selecting files for commit with filter [u'xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx']
[ 2004] 2008-04-08 22:31:44.70x3 INFO: modified xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx
21.688  added revision_id 
{xxxxx at xxxxxxxxxxxx-20080408203144-vj1mz4fu8f1lfgq1}
21.797  Using fetch logic to copy between 

35.938  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 834, in run_bzr_catch_errors
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 790, in run_bzr
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 492, in run_argv_aliases
  File "bzrlib\builtins.pyc", line 2355, in run
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyc", line 165, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\workingtree_4.pyc", line 246, in commit
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyc", line 165, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\mutabletree.pyc", line 187, in commit
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyc", line 405, in commit
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyc", line 589, in _cleanup
TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium 
'< object at 0x00CF8BD0>' has 
reached its concurrent request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and 
finish_reading on the currently open request.
35.938  return code 4

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