Bazaar Error

Reid Kleckner rnk at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 8 16:27:01 BST 2008

Actually, I did and it fixed the problem.  I guess it's not your problem, but 
someone might want to bump the version in the Ubuntu package tree.


Matt Nordhoff wrote:
> Reid Kleckner wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been trying to pick a DVCS to start versioning my home directory,
>> and I decided to give Bazaar a spin.  Unfortunately, after doing bzr
>> init, a bunch of bzr adds, and a few bzr --force removes, I tried to
>> commit and got this backtrace.  With respect to the bzr remove commands,
>> I later removed the directories from the filesystem.  Basically they
>> were a couple of crufty directories in ~/bin/ that I didn't want anymore.
>> Hope this trace helps,
>> Reid
> <snip traceback>
>> bzr 0.90.0 on python (linux2)
>> arguments: ['/usr/bin/bzr', 'ci']
>> ** please send this report to bazaar at
> I don't know if it will help, but you should try upgrading to 1.3. 0.90
> is getting old.
> <>

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