[MERGE] add a hook for Branch.set_last_revision_info()

James Henstridge james at jamesh.id.au
Tue Apr 8 07:32:18 BST 2008

On 08/04/2008, Andrew Bennetts <andrew at canonical.com> wrote:
> James Henstridge wrote:
>  > One feature of the bzr-dbus plugin is to send a D-Bus signal over the
>  > session bus whenever the head revision of a branch changes.  It
>  > currently does this through the "set_rh" hook.
> bb:comment
>  I haven't reviewed the code in detail yet, but this seems to have a lot of
>  overlap with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2008q2/040066.html

Yes it does.  I didn't see that branch on bundlebuggy and missed it on
this list.  Ian's interface would cover my use cases, so I'd be happy
with either API.

It does look like Ian's patch is missing tests though.


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