[MERGE] Documentation for integration with bzr

Martin Albisetti argentina at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 02:45:33 BST 2008

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> wrote:
>  "More or less in sync" has been a bit of a pain with other documents.
>  I suggest
>  1. Copy your ReST version into the wiki (Moin supports ReST)


>  2. Periodically copy the wiki version into the source tree verbatim.

Will do.

>  Here you go.  Two other things:
>  - - You're using single-backquotes in places where we have usually used
>  double-backquotes to make things monospaced.


>  - - You've got lots of trailing whitespace.  Since this is a new document,
>  please trim it.


I actually like the idea of having some docs in the Wiki in ReST so we
can benefit from random drive-by edits.
Does it seem too crazy to start syncing them before every release?

Attaching the patch with the modified changes.

Thanks for the comments  :)

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