centralized workflow and tracking upstream questions

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Fri Apr 4 19:50:23 BST 2008

Tom Vaughan wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Neil Martinsen-Burrell<nmb at wartburg.edu>  wrote:
>> Tom Vaughan<tom<at>  software6.net>  writes:
>>   To do this with a centralized repository, you should be able to just create
>>   site/vendor and site/mysite as (lightweight-) checkouts of some remote branch.
>>   Then, each commit will propagate to the bound remote branch when it is locally
>>   committed.
> I think I did this correctly. This is one point I'm really perplexed
> about. I'm sorry if this is covered elsewhere. But when I import the
> first vendor version, and then merge that onto the trunk for the first
> time, I wind up with all the files from the vendor branch added to the
> trunk. At this point I still haven't checked them in (I did a `bzr
> init ...` and a `bzr co ...`), but yet I can't check-in unless I
> specify --unchanged. And after I do, I wind up with two new revisions.
> Why? The first from branch nick "vendor," the second from branch nick
> "trunk." When I do subsequent imports of other vendor releases, and
> merge those onto the trunk I don't have to provide --unchanged, and
> when I check-in I only wind up with one new revision.

I'm not sure that I understand what you are talking about here.  Can you 
show commands and output from an actual session so we can be on the same 
page?  What is the result of ``bzr st`` after you merge the vendor 
branch onto the trunk?  What do you mean when you say "I can't check in 
unless I specify --unchanged"?  Is there an error message when you try 
to do what you want?

We should be able to sort this out with more information.


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