Fix a botched log-message

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Thu Apr 3 10:07:52 BST 2008

"Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:

> John Arbash Meinel writes:
>  > I don't know of any distributed VCS that lets you modify commit
>  > information such as this. Specifically both Mercurial and Git
>  > include the commit message in the sha1sum that identifies the
>  > commit. So modifying it genuinely creates a new commit.
> But that is not a problem in principle because

Err, have you _really_ used git to say such thing ?

Git considers commit sha1 as commit identity, and all the history
information is based on that. Re-creating a new commit with almost the
same content, but different sha1 means you totally break any DAG-aware
further commands (merging in particular).

Re-read the man for git-rebase (yes, it _is_ a rebase) to understand
what I mean.

> AIUI git's reflog facility is intended to address this issue.  Whether
> it does so successfully, I can't say.

You mis-understood the reflog. It's a purely local facility, and has
nothing to do with information propagation.


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