[MERGE] Replace mail-mode call with compose-mail from GNU Emacs.

Harald Meland harald.meland at usit.uio.no
Thu Apr 3 07:18:51 BST 2008

[Xavier Maillard]

>    tripled-quote strings work, even though e.g. Emacs syntax highlighting
>    will typically be confused by strings like
>      """This looks like a string "but this does not"."""
> My GNU Emacs just does the right thing here with this string.
> What do you mean by "confused" ?

My apologies, it appears that the Python syntax highlighting in Emacs
22 no longer gets confused.

In Emacs 21, where AFAIK there was no bundled Python mode, I'm using
python-mode.el (py-version "$Revision: 4.75 $"), and that will display
the "This looks like a string" part as a string, while the "but this
does not" part gets highlighted as if it were Python code --
presumably because it doesn't give the triple-quotes any special
treatment, i.e. they're just an odd number of quote characters.

This may have been fixed in newer versions of python-mode.el, but as
the amount of confusion this issue causes me is rather small, I
haven't bothered upgrading it.

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