[MERGE] Add a 'nosmart+' transport decorator.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Apr 3 06:11:16 BST 2008

Andrew Bennetts writes:

 > Well, we already have "bzr+ssh", for instance (and I don't see an RFC
 > for "svn+ssh"...).

No, but I do see www.canonical.com advertising Ubuntu and other
projects as being "standards-based open source" or some such.

 > > In general, for the purpose of putting such protocol queries into the
 > > URL, I think it would be a better idea to use the query part of the
 > > URL.
 > I don't follow what you mean by this.  You mean something like
 > "http://host/path?smart=no"?


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