[MERGE] Add a 'nosmart+' transport decorator.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Apr 2 16:58:53 BST 2008

Andrew Bennetts writes:

 > I'm not sure that "nosmart" is the best possible prefix for this, but "nobzr"
 > somehow didn't feel right.  Comments welcome.

Since this is entirely a client-side behavior and requires no
server-side changes, I think it should not be indicated by a new
scheme, but rather by a command option.

As an aside, I don't know the history of this "transport decorator"
stuff, but BCP 35 pretty clearly reserves this whole namespace to the
IETF (ie, schemes containing no "-").  You need a standards-track RFC
to define such a scheme.  Sure, this one is for internal use mainly by
developers, but the separator would better be "-" to avoid any
questions if such URIs should leak out into public documents and
links.  That would apply to other such schemes, as well.

In general, for the purpose of putting such protocol queries into the
URL, I think it would be a better idea to use the query part of the

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