[loom:MERGE] fixing "main" part of setup.py
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Wed Apr 2 06:09:01 BST 2008
Aaron Bentley пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Consider this trivial patch.
>> I have a question: what's plans to teach `bzr send` understand looms?
> send does not fundamentally need to support looms, because it uses
> revision-ids to specify the merge.
> To send just the current thread, you can do "bzr send -r thread:.."
Hm, I did not know about -rthread:
>> And I had troubles to figure out how to `bzr send` it. Currently I did:
>> bzr send -r-2..-1 . .
> You should have done:
> bzr send -r-2..-1
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr-loom-devs/bzr-loom/trunk
Sometime I have a limited internet access, so I don't want to go every time to inet, when I need to
bzr send.
> Or if you had a local mirror of trunk, you could have used that as the
> submit_branch.
Yes, my bottom thread is exact local mirror. That's why I ask my question about support looms in
send command. I don't want and I think I don't need to have separate mirror just for make send happy.
> You should never specify the same directory for the source branch and
> the submit_branch. The submit_branch is used to determine which
> revisions need to be sent. Since you specified a submit_branch that
> already has all the necessary revisions, no revisions were sent.
I'm still think it's a wrong.
> You should never specify . as a public branch. This is an optional
> parameter. There's no need to specify it at all. But if you do specify
> it, you must specify a real public location, not a local path.
>> And here is the patch. Is it mergeable patch actually?
> No. The bundle doesn't contain the necessary revisions, because you
> specified the wrong submit_branch.
Aaron, with all my respects to you and other core dev guys, I think current bundle/send behavior is
the pain in the ass. Old dumb way to bundle revisions that user requested is better and
understandable. At least for me personally. I'd like to have a knob to force old behavior.
Unfortunately I see that using format 0.9 does not help here.
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