Playing with stacked branches

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Tue Apr 1 17:23:44 BST 2008

On 01/04/2008, Aaron Bentley <aaron at> wrote:
>  The error when a stacked-on branch is missing is not very clear:
>  $ sbzr log bzr.ab2
>  bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/abentley/shallowtest/bzr.ab/".

This implies that stacked branches do not work in isolation from heir
"parent" - in the same way that checkouts don't.

So I can't create a shallow/stacked branch of (say) only the last
year's worth of revisions of Python, and carry that around with me for
local use while disconnected? That's a shame, as that's a key use for
me (well, the only use I have in reality...)


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