bzr 1.3 in ppa; plugins still need updates

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Apr 1 07:56:33 BST 2008

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:38 AM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
>  Ah, I was assuming you were running hardy. I only ever upload to the hardy
>   PPA since my uploads to the gutsy PPA are refused. I'm
>   using bzr builddeb and PPA doesn't like  changing .orig.tar.gz
>   tarballs (
>  Even when that bug is resolved, it wouldn't really be feasible to upload
>  to all distributions (edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, hardy+1, ...). Would
>  uploading for just the in-development distribution of Ubuntu and the
>  latest released distribution be sufficient?
>  Or perhaps some tools can be provided to reupload a package to another
>  distribution in PPA?

For Bazaar we make packages available for every in-support Ubuntu
distribution release.  I'd like to do that for bzr-svn too, unless
it's just not possible to run it on some releases because for example
of old svn libraries.  You don't necessarily have to do it yourself.

This does currently mean doing five uploads for each package, one for
each live release. which is a bit tedious but automatable.  There is a
tool called AutoPPA
<> which is meant to
help, at which I have looked only briefly.

Not being able to make multiple uploads from bzr-builddeb sounds like
a problem for PPAs.  Is there a PPA bug open?  If it wants just one
version of the orig.tar.gz can't we make a changes file for the
subsequent uploads that omits it?  (I know there is some

I made an upload for bzr-gtk 0.93; should I keep doing that for future
releases or should we change the process?

Martin <>

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