Questions/Notes related to wiki-page 'Integrating_with_Bazaar'
Ian Clatworthy
ian.clatworthy at
Tue Apr 1 01:40:36 BST 2008
markus korn wrote:
> Hi all,
> as I try to integrate bzr into some scripts via bzrlib, i found [0].
> This seems to be the only pubulic reference/manual. Is this right?
There is also the Developer Guide,
The material on the 'Integrting_with_Bazaar' wiki page will be merged
into the Developer Guide some time soon.
> * example in 'Accessing the files from a revision': is
> 'revtree.iter_changes(other_revtree)' suppose to work? I always get
> ''RevisionTree' object has no attribute 'iter_changes''
The API was recently renamed from _iter_changes to iter_changes, i.e.
made public. If and only if you must remain on an older version of
Bazaar, try _iter_changes instead. The much better option though is to
upgrade to Bazaar 1.3. iter_changes is available and supported in that
release onwards. Usage of _iter_changes is now deprecated.
Ian C.
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