Sharing repository across branches

James Westby jw+debian at
Mon Mar 31 21:10:29 BST 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 16:01 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > Well, ok, yes, just mv .bzr/repository will probably work fine.
> Oh, good.
> How 'bout putting a symlink in .bzr/repository?  Should it work (would
> allow sharing repositories even between branches that don't have a good
> parent dir to use for that purpose)?

I have no idea whether that would work. I would guess you would
be ok, but I'm not going to guarantee it.

That's the reason I didn't mention this in my first reply. I don't want
to be recommending something like this, and then for it to be changed,
google may still show this advice to people.

> >> > Would you like me to explain how to do this by hand?
> >> Yes, please.
> > Ok, so first you need to create the shared repository that you are
> > going to end up with everything it
> >   bzr init-repo temp
> >   bzr branch wherever temp/wherever
> >   rm wherever
> But this is not "moving", it's "copy+delete".
> The performance is completely different.

Ok, I'll just stick to what I said before then. There's currently no
way to do this at the bzr UI level.



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