bzr 1.3 in ppa; plugins still need updates

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Mar 31 04:48:54 BST 2008

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:49 AM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
>  > If there are several people working on interdependent packages there
>  > could be a PPA open for the whole bzr-team where everyone can do his/her
>  > work and one official PPA that get's updated by the release manager with
>  > all packages at the same time when it's known that all packages will
>  > build correctly.

At the moment there is one ppa that anyone in ~bzr can upload to.
Possibly we should have a testing ppa and copy them across when
everything is working.  Personally I feel we should tighten up the
process generally first and see if that helps.

>  > While PPA is building packages there still might be a (short) period of
>  > time, where the packages are inconsistent. It would be a useful
>  > launchpad feature to hold back packages until the desired dependencies
>  > are fulfilled. But even for now it would be better to have an unusable
>  > repository for five or ten minutes than for a few days.
>  That's really just a workaround for a problem caused by PPA.
>  APT can deal with multiple versions of packages just fine, but PPA
>  removes older versions. For example, if the latest version of bzrtools
>  available only works with bzr 1.2 but the latest bzr available was 1.3,
>  apt would install bzr 1.2 and warn you it's not upgrading bzr.

Wow, that's very interesting!  I had noticed that it does this but had
not realized quite how much more bumpy this will make the upgrades.  I
have asked the PPA developers if this can be removed.

Martin <>

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