FUSE Filesystem for Bzr

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Mon Mar 31 02:36:20 BST 2008

> I was impressed with the speed. The tree caching means that after a
> short pause to load up the revision tree you get fast access to the
> sub-directories etc. from then on. (I was testing bzr.dev)
> FUSE isn't cross-platform, but I wonder if there is anything we
> can build on top of this. It would be useful anyhow for using tools
> that don't understand bzr with it.

I'm wondering if this might be an easier way to integrate verion
control into IDE systems - Eclipse, etc.  The Eclipse bzr plugin
(with apologies to the developers who are doing crucial work) has
always seemed quite awkward to me.

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