bzr send: what is the bundle part ?

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Mon Mar 31 01:40:20 BST 2008

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> > If you omit the bundle from your merge directive, then you cannot do
> > “bzr merge MERGE_DIRECTIVE_FILE” (or “bzr pull”, or whatever).
> If you do "bzr send --no-bundle", then you must supply the location of a
> public copy of your branch (or bzr must already know the public
> location).  bzr will verify that the relevant revisions are present in
> that branch.  bzr merge and pull will work fine if you do this.

Oops, right.  I forgot that bzr would attempt to DTRT when the branch is
accessible.  I should have said that if there's no bundle and you're offline but
the branch is on the network, then you can't do “bzr merge MERGE_DIRECTIVE_FILE”
successfully (whereas if the bundle is present, then all the data needed is
right there in the merge directive).


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