Split hinks ?
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Sun Mar 30 21:10:14 BST 2008
>>>>> "Xavier" == Xavier Maillard <xma at gnu.org> writes:
Xavier> - 'bzr merge --preview [<path-to-merge-from>]' is useful too
Xavier> I tried that command but I do not see how to use it exactly. Can
Xavier> you give me a test case ?
One can be:
$ bzr branch trunk feature
$ cd feature
$ hack; commit; hack; commit; etc
later, when changes have occurred on trunk
$ bzr merge --preview
I also use it when I decide to re-start a feature implementation
from scratch:
$ bzr branch trunk feature
$ cd feature
hack; commit; hack; commit;
Oops, I now have a better idea just slightly different.
$ bzr branch trunk better
$ cd better
hack; commit; hack; commit;
Now, what did I forget from the previous try ?
$ bzr merge --preview ../feature
gives me a good overview of the differences between the two
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