mysteries with bazaar (probably gcommit bug)
Jurgis Pralgauskis
jurgis.pralgauskis at
Sun Mar 30 20:52:12 BST 2008
I probably did sth stupid,
(but it included not much more, than adding one dir with two files,
and moving other dir to different place and returning it back before
and after that when I want to commit I get
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'abort'
error trace and my small project packed
I updated then to newest gutsy (as said
sudo apt-get bzr
seems it updates gcommit as well
so ran gcommit again -- the same
running console commit did the job (I didnt' try to run console
commit in previous (1.0 i guess))
ps.: after I got the first errors in gcommit, I went to browser and
alt+tab return to gcommit kept the error dialog hidden , minimizing
gcommit, minimizet it as well. somehow I wasn't smart enough just to
drag main win of gcommit, so I just stopped it with task manager
(ubuntu gutsy) -- after it left some lock files (in branch and
checkout /lock/held/info) - so I had to delet them to be able to start
commit again
Jurgis Pralgauskis
omni: 8-616 77613; teledema: 8-657 65656;
jabber: jurgis at; skype: dz0rdzas;
Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)
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