bzr 1.3 in ppa; plugins still need updates

Christian Tschabuschnig tschaboo at
Sun Mar 30 20:13:03 BST 2008

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> Even when that bug is resolved, it wouldn't really be feasible to upload
> to all distributions (edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, hardy+1, ...). Would
> uploading for just the in-development distribution of Ubuntu and the
> latest released distribution be sufficient? 

Since bazaar and it's plugins are under heavy development it might pay
off having the latest released version installed. But it might be
unnecessary to run the latest release of Ubuntu. I'm still using feisty
on this machine (but also hardy and gutsy on others) and will most
probably always skip one or two releases of Ubuntu before upgrading!

Packages for all supported releases would be (very) nice. Especially if
the userbase grows! It would be odd not to serve hundreds or thousands
of users running a still supported OS.


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