bzr 1.3 in ppa; plugins still need updates

Martin Albisetti argentina at
Sun Mar 30 19:36:50 BST 2008

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Russel Winder
<russel.winder at> wrote:
>  but this is not enough to be able to install a consistent post 1.0
>  version of Bazaar with bzr, bzr-gtk, bzr-svn and bzrtools included.  I
>  suggest it is critical to the success of Bazaar that people can quickly
>  and easily install the latest release version of this set of packages.
>  Currently this is not the case :-(

Unfortunately, that's not a problem we can solve. Those default
sources are frozen after the Ubuntu release, and the packages aren't
updated other than for security reasons, so a stable and tested
environment can be maintained.

We have no way of uploading new bzr packages to those repositories,
hence our use of PPA.

Our problem seems a bit like the minority, and I don't know many other
projects that have 1 month release cycles.



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