[ANN] QBzr 0.9.0

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at gmail.com
Sun Mar 30 08:59:07 BST 2008


this is not exactly a regular release, since there are many unfinished
changes, but I probably never get around finishing them and there are
some useful bug-fixes, I've decided to release it all as 0.9.0.

Download links and the changelog can be found on:
http://bazaar-vcs.org/QBzr or https://launchpad.net/qbzr/trunk/0.9.0/

I'm planning to do another minor release soon, because there is a new
Brazilian Portuguese translation in Launchpad, but I wasn't able to
download it in last two days. As soon as I get it, I'll do 0.9.1 release
and disable Launchpad translations to avoid problems like this.


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