bzr 1.3 in ppa; plugins still need updates

Russel Winder russel.winder at
Sun Mar 30 00:34:42 GMT 2008

On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 02:04 +0100, Christian Tschabuschnig wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
> > I've built bzr1.3 packages in the ppa, but have not yet uploaded
> > bzrtools and bzr-gtk.
> It would be better to upload bzr and bzrtools at the same time. The
> warning shown by update manager ("Not all updates can be installed") or
> by aptitude about unmet dependencies are irritating.

At the risk of losing listeners by repeating myself, I say more than
irritating, I say undermining.  I suggest that good management, and good
marketing require bzr, bzr-svn, and bzrtools always to be released so
that a consistent apt-get/aptitude/synatic install is possible from for all the supported Ubuntu

If bzr really is on a 4 week update cycle so 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 will come out
in the next three months, doing upgrades is fine only if they go
smoothly.  Currently they do not and it undermines the confidence of
people who are dithering about Bazaar.  Currently, despite the
performance issues, Bazaar has a good "vibe" because its development is
so much faster than Mercurial.  With PPA only keeping the latest version
of any package, it is important that there be lock step where there is
Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

Concertant LLP                   t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road,              f: +44 8700 516 084
London SW11 1EN, UK.             m: +44 7770 465 077
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