Xavier Maillard
xma at gnu.org
Sat Mar 29 01:00:02 GMT 2008
Robert Collins wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-03-26 at 22:49 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Xavier Maillard wrote:
>>> Is there any way to comment (bb:comment) a patch on BB without
>>> having a BB account ? I do not want to approve or discard a patch
>>> but just comment it.
>> You can't do that directly on Bundle Buggy, but BB links to the thread
>> in GMANE precisely so that people can see the discussion. Perhaps
>> that's something I should revisit.
> Its roughly what squid is asking for.
So I think I'm seeing three kinds of accounts emerge:
1. People whose votes aren't binding. Ideally, these accounts would be
auto-generated for each new email-id seen in the mailing list.
2. People whose votes can affect the merge request status (and who
implicitly vote for themselves).
3. People who can administer the system
Would that be a good fit for Squid?
Duno for squid (I do not even know what squid is) but it would be
perfect setup for contributors.
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