Emacs Bazaar repository

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Sat Mar 29 01:00:14 GMT 2008

   My first impression is that bzr is slow, so slow that it is completely
   unusable.  How can it come that a simple bzr log takes more than a
   minute to even start?  Even cvs log is instantaneous in comparison,
   although it has to request the log from the server.

This slowness tenders to make any emacs oriented tool (vc-bzr,
dvc, ...) almost useless and boring. There is something even
worst: slowness makes is a major problem for the "commit often"
slogan. Who want to spend/loose roughly 30s to even start to do
anything ?

I have switched a few projects a few days ago and the experiment
is really painful and certainly not entertaining.

I will persevere on using bzr but dunno how long :)

Although the performances are quite bad, the ease of use of the
whole project is interesting.


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