RFC: TortoiseBzr strategies
talden at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 23:30:24 GMT 2008
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Nicholas Allen <allen at ableton.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> | So, the shell extension just needs:
> | - get the right overlay for files
> | - update overlays automatically as file alterations occur on the system
> | - offer the right menu options for right-click events
> | - know how to start the real gui for more complex things
> |
> | The gui will benefit I think from being able to share the cache with the
> | shell extension. This will prevent doing a new bzr scan when the gui
> | starts, and may well ameliorate potential locking issues.
> I hope these overlays can be turned off. The reason is with TortoiseSVN
> and large trees it really slows down your entire system (even though it
> caches the state). TortoiseSVN has an option to disable this for
> performance reasons and the difference is huge. I'm not sure if it's
> just the implementation in TortoiseSVN that is inefficient or just the
> need to scan the tree through OS calls to the file system. With so many
> files this bogs the computer right down though. It's at least something
> to think about in the design of TortoiseBzr so that this is not a
> problem....
I use TortoiseCVS and TortoiseSVN daily on about a dozen working
copies with around 20,000 source files each (not counting the
book-keeping CVS or SVN folder contents) - it's not that slow as long
as the settings are right.
The performance should be fine as long as the tool can be told to:
- Only look for working copy state in a small subset of paths
- Only show state of the files in the current folder, not all
sub-folders (that is, a folders state icon overlay should not have to
be an indication of the state of that entire folder hierarchy)
I'm more concerned with the fact that Bazaar is a little slow for a
30,000 rev repository of a 20,000 file, 3,500 folder working-tree.
And please, to those suggesting not using 'TortoiseBZR' as the name.
Tortoise<Foo> has become THE name for windows shell integrated
version-control - We need to accept that because the target audience
will find it much much easier to locate via <insert your search engine
of choice, which is almost certainly Google but I didn't want to speak
for you. I'm just saying, you know, that choice is important and...>
if we follow the flock...
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