RFC: TortoiseBzr strategies

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Mar 28 23:08:03 GMT 2008

> I only have one question about this sentence:
> `Although somewhat dependent on bzr itself, we need a strategy for
> binary releases (ie, it assumes python.exe, etc) and
> integration into an existing "blessed" installer.'
> What the second part of this sentence means?

The second part simply means that tbzr is not integrated with binary
releases of bazaar for Windows.  The first part of the sentence was alluding
to the fact we need a strategy for binary releases that also allows a good
story with plugins.  I'm starting to think we need a hybrid between the two
alternatives - a "full" distribution of Python binaries, but additional .exe
or .dll files that use the binaries.  Then, to things like easy_install, it
looks just like a vanilla Python distribution. I'm glossing over some issues
here, but that sounds like the best general idea to me - but that isn't a
bridge I need to cross quite yet...

> Also about GUI: QBzr is potential candidate for cross-platform GUI.
> But it maybe not so polished like bzr-gtk, and needs more manpower.

I'm going to (mainly) stay out of the GUI wars, other than to say if we use
a cross-platform toolkit, then much of the GUI can be decoupled from, but
still used by the shell extension work.  Having a single suite of GUI apps
the entire community embraces and can contribute to has much more appeal to
me than advocating any particular GUI strategy.
> And I have another proposal slightly unrelated to your document: to re-
> brand TortoiseBzr

IMO, Tortoise has "brand recognition" in this space, but otherwise this too
is something I will stay out of :)



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