faster bzr PPA builds; any help or suggestions?

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Mar 27 02:43:11 GMT 2008

I have been making Ubuntu packages for Bazaar into the Personal
Package Archive <>.  This is fairly
interesting and working pretty well, except that it can take some time
for it to be uploaded, particularly if I do the release close to the
end of my work week.  Ideally we would get debs up shortly after the
official release for both rc and final releases.  We should also do
this for bzrtools and bzr-gtk, which often release a little bit

There is a fair bit of latency in waiting for things to build and
fixing them if they didn't.

The PPA can be uploaded to by all ~bzr team members, and the packaging
branches are now up and also owned by ~bzr.

So, possibilities:
 * make sure to do it as part of the release process
 * if other people are interested, we can share it - but because of
the latency we need to identify who in particular should do it
 * make it more automated


Martin <>

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