Split hinks ?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Wed Mar 26 06:51:47 GMT 2008

>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:

    aaron> Xavier Maillard wrote:
    >> I have tried bzr shelve function and I find it pretty basic,
    >> sorry.
    >> Is there a way to split a hunk into smaller hunks ? This is my
    >> first use of such tools.

    aaron> When you want to get finer granularity than hunks, you
    aaron> really want an editor.


    aaron> I use the "vimdiff" plugin.  This lets me edit the
    aaron> file in place, with a clear idea of what has changed.

    aaron> I assume vimdiff is not to your liking, but Emacs must
    aaron> also have a diff mode.  You can invoke it with "bzr
    aaron> diff --using $EMACS_DIFF $FILENAME"

Or from inside emacs:

C-M-| bzr diff [path]
M-x diff-mode

And, once in diff-mode, you're free to use:

- C-c C-c to go to the file referenced in the diff (you will be
   positioned at the exact char you cursor is on in the diff)

- C-c C-a to apply/un-apply any hunk,

- C-x C-w <file.patch> to save the patch for further reference
  (which basically gives you bzr shelf and strong basis for any
  cherry-pick for free :)


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