OS locks must DIE

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Mar 25 08:58:09 GMT 2008

Guys, you killed the Kenny. Again.

bzr 1.3: local push finished with error message: Could not acquire lock
Operation almost done. Build phase is done, repository is OK,
working tree successfully created.

Here is .bzr.log

0.218  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp866'
0.234  bzr arguments: [u'-Derror', u'--no-plugins', u'push', u'C:\\Temp\\2']
0.297  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp866'
0.515  created control directory in file:///C:/Temp/2/
0.578  creating repository in file:///C:/Temp/2/.bzr/.
0.625  Using fetch logic to copy between 
KnitPackRepository('file:///C:/Temp/1/.bzr/repository/')(<RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>) and 
0.703  creating branch <bzrlib.branch.BzrBranchFormat6 object at 0x01163390> in file:///C:/Temp/2/.bzr/
0.828  opening working tree 'C:/Temp/1'
0.875  trying to create missing lock 'C:/Temp/2/.bzr/checkout/dirstate'
0.875  opening working tree 'C:/Temp/2'
0.984  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 834, in run_bzr_catch_errors
   File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 790, in run_bzr
   File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 492, in run_argv_aliases
   File "bzrlib\builtins.pyc", line 799, in run
   File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyc", line 219, in clone_on_transport
   File "bzrlib\decorators.pyc", line 127, in read_locked
   File "bzrlib\workingtree.pyc", line 587, in clone
   File "bzrlib\decorators.pyc", line 127, in read_locked
   File "bzrlib\workingtree.pyc", line 595, in copy_content_into
   File "bzrlib\merge.pyc", line 63, in transform_tree
   File "bzrlib\merge.pyc", line 1198, in merge_inner
   File "bzrlib\merge.pyc", line 416, in do_merge
   File "bzrlib\workingtree_4.pyc", line 1672, in lock_read
   File "bzrlib\dirstate.pyc", line 2708, in lock_read
   File "bzrlib\lock.pyc", line 293, in __init__
   File "bzrlib\lock.pyc", line 274, in _lock
LockContention: Could not acquire lock "C:/Temp/2/.bzr/checkout/dirstate"

I want to say something weird and bad.
But instead I'm trying to keep myself composed.
It's very hard. So, subject says all I think about OS locks.


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