Some unscientific timing results (on the Python source tree)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Mon Mar 24 11:42:40 GMT 2008

On 24/03/2008, raindog at <raindog at> wrote:
> Were you using the fast smart server for this test?

Almost certainly not. For the tests pulling from a server, I was using
whatever the people running the server had set up (http). For the
local activities on my PC, I was using file and directory names (no

In my view, this is more "normal" behaviour anyway. It may be possible
to speed things up, but in real world use, we have to live with what
we get. Equally, I didn't do anything but use the repository formats
that came by default (the Python repo tarball is rich-root-pack) and I
didn't do any explicit bzr pack operations, etc.


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