[MERGE][BUG #93412] 'bzr uncommit --local'

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Mar 20 16:22:45 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
| John Arbash Meinel wrote:
|> Aaron Bentley wrote:
|> | So this means that when you think you're working in a heavyweight
|> | checkout, and uncommitting from that, you can accidentally uncommit from
|> | the real branch instead.
|> |
|> | I think that's a bad idea.  I think that it's quite plausible for
|> | someone to have a lightweight checkout but think they have a heavyweight
|> | one.
|> I'm don't think I agree, but it is easy enough to code, and I would hate
|> to have
|> the same "we don't have feature X because we didn't agree on it" happen to
|> uncommit --local.
| Hey, the original complaint was that commit and uncommit were
| asymmetrical.  This increases the symmetry. :-)
|> === added file 'bzrlib/tests/test_uncommit.py'
|> +    def test_uncommit_bound(self):
|> +        tree, history = self.make_linear_tree()
|> +        child = tree.bzrdir.sprout('child').open_workingtree()
|> +        child.branch.bind(tree.branch)
| I'm not sure why you're using sprout + bind here instead of just
| checkout.  In fact, I'd prefer using the term checkout rather than bound
| where applicable.
| But that's nitpicking.
| bb:approve
| Aaron

I don't see a '.checkout' as a member of anything. I do see
BzrDir.checkout_metadir(), but that is more about the format object.

So I used "sprout() + bind()" because it ... exists?

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