adding my entire home dir with a "bzr init ~/"

Doug Lee dgl at
Thu Mar 20 10:16:03 GMT 2008

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:43:17AM +0200, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Doug Lee ??????????:
> >On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 08:38:23PM -0400, Forest Bond wrote:
> >>I version control my home dir with bzr, and use it to push and pull those
> >>configs from various machines I use.  Works great!  Been doing it for a 
> >>while,
> >>too.
> >
> >My only addition is that I've started using Bazaar to version
> >scattered config files across an entire FreeBSD system.  This seems to
> >require a small adjustment to get the .bzr file where it needs to be,
> >and another to put the data elsewhere, but otherwise it seems to work
> >nicely:
> >
> >bzr init-repo --no-trees /var/bzr/cnf
> >bzr init /var/bzr/cnf/sysname
> >cd /
> >bzr co --lightweight /var/bzr/cnf/sysname
> >mv /sysname/.bzr /
> you can do it in one step:
> bzr co --lightweight /var/bzr/cnf/sysname .

Ah, I didn't try that.  I once (in Bzr 1.0) tried ``bzr init'' in
/ and got "bzr: ERROR: Transport error: rrno 21] Is a directory: '/'."

I should have added ``chmod 700 /var/bzr/cnf'' to my list of commands
btw; otherwise, versioning a passwd file could have less than
appealing consequences.

> >rmdir /sysname
> >bzr add etc
> >bzr add usr/local/etc
> >bzr commit -m "/etc and /usr/local/etc versioning started."
> >.... etc...
> >
> >Just don't type ``bzr add'' with no arguments, unless you're
> >stress-testing your system. :-)

Doug Lee                 dgl at        
SSB BART Group           doug.lee at
"Sometimes I think my learning curve is a circle." -- David Andrews

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