Emacs repository benchmark: bzr and git (rerun)

Teemu Likonen tlikonen at iki.fi
Wed Mar 19 16:41:52 GMT 2008

Teemu Likonen kirjoitti:

> Hey! I realised that the emacs bzr repository was not fully optimized
> with "bzr pack" command. By running this command it really improves
> the performance of bzr; now I'm getting similar numbers as some of
> you. I really apologise for the misleading information I have spread.
> I want to correct my mistakes by running my tests again (see below).
> This raises questions though. I had downloaded the premade emacs bzr
> repo from <http://bzr.notengoamigos.org/> and it seems to have its
> repo pretty much optimized since it performs much better than my
> previous benchmark. I had done almost nothing with the repository
> after that, just some bzr-pulls and performance tests. How come the
> emacs bzr repository slows down so much and so quickly? My experience
> is that you definitely want to run "bzr pack" quite often.

I know the pattern now. The emacs bzr repo gets quite much slower after 
every "bzr pull" update. My second test (the rerun) in bzr-packed 
repository gave 1 minute 15 seconds for whole-history "bzr log". Since 
then I have bzr-pulled three times (20 new commits in total) and I get 
1 minute 45 seconds for "bzr log" now. Just a couple of pulls more 
without packing the repo and we'd be back in the situation of my first 
benchmarks (i.e. "bzr log" taking three minutes).

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