Emacs repository benchmark: bzr and git

Teemu Likonen tlikonen at iki.fi
Tue Mar 18 19:19:12 GMT 2008

Andreas Schwab kirjoitti:

> Teemu Likonen <tlikonen at iki.fi> writes:
> > I did some benchmarking in git and bzr repositories of Emacs. Some
> > numbers: 89711 revisions (by "git log --pretty=oneline | wc -l"),
> > 2825 files. Both repositories seem to have just linear history
> > converted from CVS repo. Both have the same head revision which is
> > 481c2a1e31f32c8aa0fb6d504575b75a18537788 (git) and
> > revid:cvs-1:tsdh-20080318180244-lxbzttdnh6ecqbka (bzr).
> The git repository at savannah has more revisions because it has the
> multi-tty arch history imported into it.  It also contains many
> merges, although not in recent history.

Oh, I didn't notice that. Indeed, the Emacs bzr repo is 2031 commits 
lighter. In theory this difference seems like a disadvantage to git in 
this test. In practice it's probably not because the length of history 
does not seem to have much effect on git's performance. Anyway, the 
main point was bzr, and git was there just to give some perspective 
(for me personally too).

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