[MERGE] Add --no-pending to status to not show the pending merges. (#202830)

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Mar 17 00:31:03 GMT 2008

On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 18:37 +0000, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> We have a function Graph.find_difference() which computes that by
> walking the graph, but it can (ATM) return too many nodes because it
> doesn't walk far enough on the "common" nodes. (I have some test cases,
> and we have some XFAIL ones already merged into bzr.dev)
> The decision at the time was that we can't use find_difference() until
> it is correct. I think I made it correct, but it didn't seem
> particularly fast, and then it seemed like I had spent too much time
> already without getting better results. (I think we ended up needing me
> to work on annotate performance, etc.)
> I still have the branch.

If we modified the worker function that does LCA and heads to return the
three searches (common, left, right), we could introspect their seen
cache I suspect.

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