[MERGE] Add --no-pending to status to not show the pending merges. (#202830)

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Mar 16 18:39:40 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>  > I think it should be done with a flag called "--pending" which has
>> "pending=True" as the default. As we will get "--no-pending" "for free"
>> from our parameters infrastructure and then you don't get stuff like:
>> "not no_pending".
> But if you add --no-pending, then you get --pending for free via the
> same mechanism.  And there's no way of specifying that an option is on
> by default.  So I think this suggestion isn't very helpful.
> Aaron

Actually if you do:

def run(pending=True):

It at least *used* to have the option on as default. That may have
changed with the optparse changes. I don't know if it always sets all
"takes_options" or if it continues the habit of only passing an entry in
**kwargs that was actually set by the user.

The big thing is that I find dealing in negatives to be ugly, and the
fact that the first thing he does is:

 pending=not no_pending

Signifies some agreement.

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