[MERGE] Merge Check EOL plugin into the core.

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu Mar 13 02:34:43 GMT 2008

On 13/03/2008, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> > Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
>  > | Am Dienstag, den 11.03.2008, 15:32 +0200 schrieb Alexander Belchenko:
>  > |> From help topic:
>  > |>
>  > |>     The 'checkeol' plugin installs special pre-commit hook to Bazaar
>  > VCS.
>  > |>     This hook allows you to check content of committed files for kind
>  > |>     of line-endings. If your project has strict policy about style of
>  > |>     source files you could automate EOL check with such plugin.
>  > |>     If some of committed files will have inappropriate line-endings
>  > |>     commit will be aborted.
>  > |>
>  > |> Here is the patch to merge this plugin into the core.
>  > | No objections here code-wise, I'm just a bit worried that having this in
>  > | core implies that we're going to support this particular file format in
>  > | the future or at least would have to be able to upgrade from it. Is it
>  > | really necessary to have this in the core? I'd rather see it being a
>  > | separate plugin until actual line conversion support lands.
>  > |
>  > | Cheers,
>  > |
>  > | Jelmer
>  >
>  > I also have my concerns about pulling it into core before it has cooked
>  > a while
>  > as a plugin.
> OK. I think the comment from James Westby is really too important (in another thread
>  about requiring a plugin's presence):
>  "Consider the case of someone using Alexander's plugin to control
>  line endings in their branch. If for some reason the plugin gets
>  deleted at some point it may be a while before they notice, and in
>  that time there may be code with the wrong line endings committed,"
>  It's enough for me to think that simplicity of installing/discoverable of plugin
>  may be better answer for question: how I can require to have some specific plugin
>  for some specific project?
>  I'm also leaning towards not including plugins into bzr.dev, I just thought it's
>  better to have such tool to help migrating new users, like IPython project.
>  Probably it's better to live with checkeol as separate plugin. And help to
>  Martin Albisetti on his work on APS. I think we are ready for something
>  like:
>   easy-install <plugin-name>
>  If other people also think it's better not to merge this into the core, then bb:reject it.
>  The in next week I'll create separate launchpad project for bzr-checkeol and start to
>  provide installer for this plugin for Windows users.

I don't think this particular plugin is ready to merge yet.

I would support putting it in the shipped registry of plugins, so that
say 'bzr help eol' will find it, and so that something like 'bzr
install-plugin checkeol' will get it.

My position is not so much that we should merge plugins into bzr.dev,
but rather that the core commonly-used features should be in the core,
even if they are originally prototyped in plugins.

It seems to me we would like the core to have code for managing
line-endings; just checking them is probably not enough as users
probably want to set them.

And as mentioned above I think it is important we get the naming and
format right before it comes in.


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