Shallow branches question

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Mar 11 23:45:00 GMT 2008

On 12/03/2008, John Yates <jyates at> wrote:
> Martin Pool writes:
>  > With the current code, we try to access all the repositories,
>  > so I believe it will just fail if the network is not accessible.
> Such behavior seems mislabeled if it is exposed as a _shallow_
>  branch capability.  It sounds to me more like a _lazy_ branch
>  capability.  My expection, based solely on connotation of the
>  term shallow, would be that once I request explicit construction
>  of such a beast its future peregrinations would be limited to my
>  prescribed horizon.

I should have said that it is not called a shallow branch at the
moment.  It is a stacked branch.  We can lay policy on top of it to do
some of these things but as you can see there is considerable
diversity in how people want to use it.


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