installing gentoo bazaar overlay

Thomas Nichols nichols7 at
Tue Mar 11 22:35:57 GMT 2008

Aaron Bentley wrote on 2008/03/11 19:01:
> Thomas Nichols wrote:
> > Hi,
> > In order to start experimenting with bzr-svn, I'd like to install the
> > overlay described at
> > However, this references -- which
> > appears to be empty
> It's a Bazaar branch.  They often appear empty, because all the data is
> in the .bzr directory.

I'd missed that completely and claim my free eejut hat.
> > $ bzr branch svn+ssh:// nb
> > bzr-svn is not up to date with installed bzr version 1.2.0.
> > There should be a newer version of bzr-svn available.
> Jelmer has not yet produced a version of bzr-svn compatible with 1.2.0.

Thanks, I'll stick with 1.1 for bzr-svn experiments then.
> > Does the (understandable) familiarity of bzr developers with
> > ubuntu/debian mean that gentoo support is less up-to-date? Have I missed
> > something critical here?
> It's true that most of the core developers user Ubuntu, but Gentoo
> doesn't sound especially out-of-date.
> Aaron
Thanks for the clear answers.

-- Thomas.

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