bzr combine-thread: where'd my code go?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Mar 10 22:07:16 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

James Westby wrote:
| On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 14:28 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
|> Hash: SHA1
|> Forest Bond wrote:
|> | Hi,
|> |
|> | I must have misunderstood combine-thread.  I figured I would commit in a
|> | and then combine thread would push those commits down into thread below.
|> | Rather, it seems that those commits disappear.
|> |
|> | I haven't done any `bzr record'ing just yet.  Should I have done that before
|> | combine-thread?
|> |
|> | No need to worry, I'm not so foolish as to leave my only copy of source code
|> | under the control of a brand new bzr plugin :)
|> |
|> | -Forest
|> As I understand it, combine-thread is designed to be done when you want to
|> remove a thread. I would have thought that it would check if everything is
|> merged first.
|> However, looking at 'bzr combine-thread --help' I see:
|> ~  In precise terms this will:
|> ~   * Remove the entry from the loom for the current thread.
|> ~   * Change threads to the thread below.
|> Which sounds like it just nukes the current thread and changes you to the one
|> underneath.
|> Can someone else using looms confirm? I don't use it much myself. It certainly
|> sounds like a destructive command which should check that the tip is already
|> merged, and require something like --force if they aren't.
| Hi,
| I'd agree with you John, there's potential for data loss here I think
| (well it's still in the repo, but no branch or thread points to it).
| I'd be interested if this was a conscious decision by Robert though.
| Forest, would you like to file a bug? If not, I'll be happy to do it.
| Thanks,
| James

I think it was conscious to not do a merge at the time of combine. It is pretty
much expected that the merge came in from a different route. I don't know if he
intended it to kill the thread even if it wasn't merged. I certainly think you
need a way to get rid of a thread, though 'combine-thread' doesn't seem like the
right command for that to me.


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