Cannot branch on Windows due to file path length - can I do anything?
talden at
Mon Mar 10 20:06:12 GMT 2008
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at> wrote:
> On Po, 2008-03-10 at 18:52 +0100, Nicholas Allen wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > I think it is "\\?\" from a bit of googling. Should bazaar be doing this
> > for then (as it is Bazaar that is building the path and not me)?
> Using \\?\ has one little disadvantage, Windows itself (Explorer,
> cmd.exe, ...) can't read such files with long paths. :)
Given this limitation it's far, far too soon to consider altering
Bazaar to use these longer paths - Moving branches around or archiving
them up to transport them would become a real problem. Unfortunately
Windows users, myself including, are just going to have to accept that
they cannot use paths of such lengths.
The tool should not utilise the filesystem in a non-obvious manner -
this will only server to confuse users further.
Maybe once the majority of Windows users have moved to Vista (and the
devil's wearing a scarf and mittens) bazaar can start looking at
supporting longer paths on Windows.
As noted you can alleviate the problem a little if you've started with
a longish path as the root of your branch. Make it shorter.
EG instead of "c:\development\workspace\\\..."
you might use "c:\ws\".
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