efficiency over NFS

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Thu Mar 6 15:22:19 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

| Man, all I can say is that if a company that needs to develop in house 
software cannot come up with a better arrangement than diskless thin 
clients, I think I would be finding another job. The only scenario I can 
fathom an edit command being useful is when your repository is near the 
size/performance limitations of bzr which is pretty large. However, I 
might add, everyone I know who has used a VCS that requires the edit 
command *hates* the edit command and this goes for perforce, VSS and CVS.
| That said, I think the one thing that can help solve the problem is to 
have some type of background service running that keeps track of 
external modifications to files under version control as this way bzr 
would not have to traverse a directory and build up data structures.
On Linux, at least, inotify could be used so Bazaar does not have to 
scan the entire tree and is notified when something changes in a working 
directory. I'm not sure about Windows but I would much prefer solutions 
in this direction than an edit command.

An edit command really makes you have to change your workflow to fit 
with the VCS. I prefer a VCS to stay out of my way a - which Bazaar 
currently does a great job of ;-)


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