efficiency over NFS

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Thu Mar 6 10:49:29 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

| And if I do have a workspace on the local disk with the repository on 
NFS, then I'll have to continously worry about commiting my changes so 
that they go into the repository and are backed up by NFS.
What do you mean by "worry about"? I assume you mean "remember to push 
to NFS server"? If so then a checkout will do this every time you commit 
unless you specify --local option to commit. If this is still a problem 
due to serious NFS inefficiency (I would very much doubt this though) 
then you could commit locally and every so often push to the NFS server. 
Alternatively, use the smart server on the server instead of NFS mounts. 
There are solutions to all these problems. I would personally **hate** 
an edit command. Every IDE/text editor etc would need to know about it 
so that when I type in the editor it would first have to execute "bzr 
edit xxxx". This is how SourceSafe worked and I never worked with anyone 
that liked this. The solutions that Bazaar already presents solve these 
problems and in a much nicer way I would say....


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