ACLs and Web Interfaces

James Westby jw+debian at
Tue Mar 4 21:07:59 GMT 2008

On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 15:56 -0500, Jeff Abbott wrote:
> Something that Mercurial's hgweb supports is the ability to tell it "all 
> my repos live below here" with the [collections] section in the hgweb 
> config.  hgweb walks that file system path and finds any repos it can, 
> and presents them to the user if it can access that location with the 
> credentials it's running under.  Usually, when running with mod_python 
> in Apache, that's the apache user, but if you add mod_auth_kerb into the 
> equation to authenticate users to the Kerberos realm, and mod_waklog to 
> run CGI and mod_python scripts with the Kerberos-authenticated user's 
> credentials, hgweb will only show them the repositories in AFS that they 
> can read.


bazaar-webserve is a fork of hgweb, so it may not be that difficult.

I don't know how much divergence there is though.



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