Socket not connect errors from bzr selftest

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Sun Mar 2 21:24:54 GMT 2008

>>>>> "adam" == Adam Mercer <ramercer at> writes:

    adam> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Adam Mercer <ramercer at> wrote:
    >> Hi
    >> On running $ bzr selftest on Mac OS X Leopard, I'm getting loads of
    >> http related tests failing with the error:
    >> (57, 'Socket is not connected')
    >> What does this mean, and how can I fix it?

    adam> Any ideas, as all I can find out about this as its something to do
    adam> with http access?

This is rather strange.

I can't reproduce it on Tiger.

Can you provide a .bzr.log and a better description of the output
you get from 'bzr selftest'.

Have you tried reducing the the tests by 'bzr selftest http Http' ?


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