Branches still in knits in

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Sun Mar 2 13:21:34 GMT 2008

>>>>> "robert" == Robert Collins <robertc at> writes:

    robert> On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 14:56 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
    >> >     MartinA> Is there a reason for this or did it just slip by?
    >> >
    >> > Yes. Compatibility for the users of old bzr versions.
    >> I'm not sure that's really a good reason though, since packs have been
    >> supported for a few months now.  pqm is now capable of reading and
    >> writing packs too.

    robert> Indeed. Keeping 0.92 in knit format is sufficient, or at least * a copy*
    robert> in knit format.


Just for the record, I'm upgrading a PC I didn't use since the
last sprint (05/2007) and being able to pull from saved me.

Well, I thought so :-/

bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for Unknown response code 400


Too many ranges ?

vila:~/bzr/ :) $ bzr revno

vila:~/bzr/ :) $ bzr pull -r2600
Using saved location: http+urllib://
bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for Unable to handle http code 400: Bad Request
vila:~/bzr/ :( $ bzr pull -r2500

ok :-/

bzr pull -r2500
bzr pull -r2600
bzr pull

At least.

So nothing serious, but I thought it was worth sharing,


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