Workflow question

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Feb 29 11:44:45 GMT 2008

Nicholas Allen пишет:
> I'm just wondering what is the best way to work with Bazaar for a very
> common workflow that I have. I know Bazaar can manage all of this but I
> want to know what is the easiest way to do this with Bazaar's flexible
> workflows.
> Basically, I work on a project from home, on the move, and occasionally
> from work. I want to keep a number of branches for the project (one for
> each feature that I am developing). I need to have every branch backed
> up to a remote server (so I can access from home, work and on the move)
> but when on the move I need to be able to commit offline if not internet
> access is available.

If you really need to backup local work to the server you could keep
on local machine mirror repo and work with this repo only locally,
without bind to the server. And time to time do `bzr push-repo`.
Just a thoughts.

> I work with Eclipse and because the project structure is quite complex I
> have one directory that contains my workspace and I switch a project
> directory in the workspace to whatever branch I want to work on. On
> Linux I can do this with "ln -sf" but Windows does not support this so I
> use "bzr switch".
> When I commit I want the commit to be mirrored on the backup server(but
> only if I have not told Bazaar I am offline). I also want the commits on
> the backup server to have stable revision ids - so I assumed I want to
> use bound branches here.
> I figured I could do this by having the branches locally and remote with
> each local branch bound to the corresponding remote branch. I can tell
> Bazaar when I am offline with "bzr unbind" on one of the local branches.
> The problem is to switch between branches in Eclipse I use "bzr switch"
> and switch my Eclipse branch to a local branch and then bind that to the
> local branch. I was hoping that when I commit in my Eclipse branch it
> would get committed to the local branch it is bound to and then to the
> remote branch that that is bound to. However, with this setup Bazaar
> complains that I cannot commit to a branch that is bound to a branch
> which is bound to another branch (it only works if I have one level of
> bound branches).
> This seemed like the right way to do it. I know I could avoid bound
> branches completely and use push, pull, merge but then I have to
> remember to commit in my Eclipse branch, push to corresponding local
> branch, and then push that to the remote branch. I need to remember this
> for every commit and it also will not guarantee stable revision numbers
> on the remote server so I don't want to do this at all.
> So I know how to do it - but I just hope there is a simpler way since
> the way I figured to do it doesn't work. Any suggestions appreciated...
> Cheers,
> Nick

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