Replacing an expensive proprietary CM system with bzr.

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Feb 27 04:40:01 GMT 2008

Talden wrote:
> Is there a commentary anywhere in the docs on known scaling behaviour?
> EG number of files/folders in a working tree, size of individual
> files, total size of workign tree, number of revisions, commit
> sizes...
> We have a CVS tree that, in an experimental conversion to Subversion
> produced around 25,000 revisions for a working tree with 17,000 files
> in 3,500 folders.  The working tree totals (not counting any VCS
> book-keeping) 800MB with about 1000 files accounting for 75% of that
> volume.
> There are a couple of dozen branches but I would expect 2/3rds of the
> revisions to be on HEAD.
> I'd be interested in knowing how this might perform in Bazaar -
> obviously I'm not expecting numbers, but are there any known scaling
> issues?

There's nothing like running benchmarks on your hardware+OS, your
network and on your source code. Historical revisions aside, you can
take a snapshot of your source tree and run our benchmarking scripts on
it. See

bzr-usertest will also run benchmarks on a Bazaar repository generated
by importing data from another tool. FWIW, I'm currently working on
making imports from foreign systems easier, faster and more flexible.
See In theory, CVS is supported
(see though I'm yet to
hear of anyone trying a CVS to Bazaar conversion using it.
bzr-fastimport is only one week old after all. :-) Please let us know if
you do.

Other options for getting from CVS to Bazaar are listed in the Migration

Ian C.

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