[MERGE] Upgrade ConfigObj to version 4.5.1

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Wed Feb 27 03:42:03 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Matt Nordhoff wrote:
> The changes we've made are:
>   * hasattr -> getattr (1975)
>   * has_key -> in (1996)
>   * == None -> is None (in one doctest) (1996)
>     * Doctest removed upstream
>   * Fix off-by-one line number in exceptions (2904)
>     * Fixed upstream in 4.3.2
>   * "print >> fh" -> fh.write (in comments and doctests) (2921)
>     * Upstream removed all occurrences except for one doctest.

To find out which revisions touched config.py, I did this:

$ bzr annotate bzrlib/util/configobj/configobj.py|sed -e 's/|.*//'|sort|uniq

1185.12.49  ("switched to ConfigObj")
1556.2.1 ("Switched to ConfigObj 4.2.0")
2900.1.2 ("Fix 149019 by using a proper line number...")
2991.2.1 ("Update configobj to version 4.4.0...")

2900.1.2 is redundant, and the rest just introduce new versions from the
official source.

Since this is the only code that we actually use, any other changes are
really irrelevant to us.

> About importing validate, there were never any changes made related to it.

Right.  I just deleted validate, and that disabled it.

> Now, I'd be happy to change hasattr to getattr, but I think the others
> are just style issues and I don't think we should make unnecessary
> changes to external libraries. If you disagree, I've got a copy of
> ConfigObj that breaks Python 2.2 compatibility and uses lazy_import. ;-)

I'm in favour of switching to the latest version, without trying to
preserve any local changes.

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